As you all know I love to do photography for friends, family, co-workers, and friends of friends. My time is very limited due to having a full time job, but I am always willing to try and coordinate my time to fit a photo session in. With having a little one on the way it will become more limited in the future.

A lot of you ask me how much I charge to do a photo session. This is how I work: I started out taking pictures for FREE – this was because I wanted to build a portfolio for myself.  I will estimate a charge for you depending on the photo shoot, travel, and time spent.  This charge will range between $50-$100. 

This fee includes my time and talent, photographic enhancements, and DVD with all images. If you have any questions please contact me.

I want to thank all of you for all the support, kind words, and making this experience so enjoyable!!



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