mom gazing the crabapple tree.

Here is how this went down...

Girls are running through the gazing at the beautiful crabapple tree thinking "I need to get some photos of my kiddos by that before a gust of wind comes and I missed the opportunity". 

Mom: Girls can mom get a couple photos by this pretty crabapple tree? I will give you TWO Oreos if you cooperate.
Girls: What does cooperate mean? 
Mom: If you do what I tell you to do, you get two Oreos.
Girls: Okay.

Girls: Mom are those bees?
Mom: Yup they are nice ones. They only like the flowers. They won't hurt you.
Girls: ooohhhhhhhh...

Mom: Smile girls!!!!!

Mom: Hey Reed put your arm around your sister and look at her. 

Mom: Look at each other and laugh...

Mom: I want one picture of each of you please.

Mom:  Okay Reed your turn...hurry the clouds are covering the sun...hurry.  
(best shot before the sun peaked over the clouds - photo bomber).

all for two Oreos...MOM HAPPY, KIDS HAPPY :)


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